Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

A small fraction

You know,life is'nt that bad at all if you living it slowly.The good side is also happy after way that happy does'nt excist in a long time.That was truth,cuz while the times goes we did'nt even going to recgonize we will all growing up soo fast then just had to dealing with it.When we got older we have to carrying our business,child,or we have to live with many debt.So your mind was sick and can't be happy,but sometime's if you were a hardworking and ur boss payed you well you will be happy.

And even love is more difficult than we ever feel before right lovers? Some people would change her/his life,attitude,style just because someone she/he loved.What i know about love is,love is just like a chocolate (well,im a huge fan of this chocodizzle soo yeah~) when we eat thez all we can taste is just sweet,all sad things can be solved by a choco.I really don't get it why people had to be fall in love,cuz i have'nt trust for that.

I've seen many movie about romance.It start with silly little met,and then they not being a two stranger anymore.They both seen eachother's in the second mate.days by days the love story is growing.And the different is,they get hurts in the middle story but it can be end in pain or in love which its ridiculous.....Maybe,you have to choose for love.It sucks but sometime's you would

The new school year

I think i start to get happy cuz i will get to know with other's friend since now i was official an 2nd grade of highschool,that were pretty awesome how pity that i have to suffer.the first is suffer,suffer that i did'nt even known my own class,so i get the wrong class actually worst the suffering is that i have to sit ALONE with my own body at the first row at the front,it's killing me from behind! suck's but that was "for real totally".

But! hopefully i get my partners beside mine seat in the class #finally fyuh~

3 town pumped vacation

Heyya guys,so i was going to 3 town in a row for vacation last few month's

First i went to Yogyakarta,it was really hipe which is there's a Malioboro (yea you kno shopaholic's hehe)
The i go to other places far from the town.Me and my family step for mountain climbing (without any rope to safe us!) it was the coolest thing i've ever did in my life.It was pretty horrible to watch a cliff in my left-right side it was really really scary part when i was climbed.But it was payed off after we GET into the top of the mountain,BURN loser's #LOL

The 2nd place is yeahhh.... Bandung,we got there by a train.There were soo soo soo cold,i even can imagine how cold it was right now :@ i just don't know why the ppl living there so tight up by the temperature's,like an hokkaido ppl.Well,as long as i stood stay here.I minded that i want to go to TSB,and yea i ask my "lovely dragon bigbro" i love this nickname #LOLnodoubt.I won't post the photo's both of us,cuz it can claim an envyness,narcicism,and some confidence's duhhh!

Third im gone to Jekardah,i've miss it but i did'nt even left any that i missed.I want to yuck but that would be miserable for mehh eww.Well that's not i want to talk about cuz i love spending time shopping,culinary,and play ice skate.Not bad at all